Awaken to the Wisdom of the Here and Now
Multi-tasking and splintered attention spans are rewiring our brains, making it difficult for many to focus and enjoy simple pleasures that come from slowing down and using sustained attention. This book is designed as a mindfulness practice for our 21st Century world, to counter the distraction and overload that can leaves us feeling fragmented, exhausted and disconnected from others.
Reflect taps into your unique human capacity for accessing meaning, presence and wisdom in 108 inspiring, affirming, and illuminating reflections. You’ll journal, reflect, and practice, to discover the wonder and stillness of presence that exists for you, not tomorrow, but in this next awakening moment.
There are eight sections, Simplicity and Peace, Nature, Relationships, Love, Laughter, Bliss, Transformation, and Wisdom. Each reading is followed by three targeted prompts, or reflections to help you pause, focus and gain deep insight. In doing this, you’ll actually be rewiring the most human part of your brain (pre-frontal cortex), which helps you regulate emotions and connect with others in a deep, satisfying way. Best of all, you can reflect anywhere, anytime, whenever you need to slow things down.
If you feel like you’ve been stuck repeating the same problems over and over or lost in endless distraction, don’t worry. That may just be a signal that it’s time for you to embark on an exciting new path of self-evolution that lets you pause, reflect, and repeat.